The Energy Performance calculation determines the Energy Performance indicators for new constructions (in accordance with the BENG requirements).
A provisional energy label for an environmental permit application, a definitive energy label on final acceptance of the building. For existing buildings, the energy label is determined on the basis of the EP2, the primary fossil energy consumption. The Energy Performance calculation determines the Energy Performance indicators (BENG).
In the Netherlands, these energy indicators for new constructions are determined in three requirements:
- EP1, the maximum energy requirement in kWh/m² usable area per year
- EP2, the maximum primary fossil energy consumption in kWh/m² usable area per year
- EP3, the minimum share of renewable energy in percent

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For existing buildings, the energy label is determined on the basis of the EP2, the primary fossil energy consumption. For new constructions, a risk indicator is also calculated for overheating (summer comfort), called the TO-juli. A limit value has been set for this overheating indicator. If a home does not meet it, measures must be taken to prevent the home from overheating.
To be permitted to register Energy Performance calculations, a consultant must be qualified and the company certified in accordance with BRL-9500 W (homes and residential buildings) and/or U (utility buildings). The Energy Performance must be determined at different times. For new constructions this is when an environmental permit is applied for (provisional energy label) and on final acceptance (definitive energy label). For existing buildings this is when they are sold or let. Within the regulations for housing and utility buildings, the basic survey (B for existing buildings) and detailed survey (D for environmental permits for new construction and final acceptance and large-scale renovation) have different requirements for the consultant carrying out the survey. SOCOTEC is certified for the EP-WD/B and EP-UD/B in accordance with BRL9500.
Energy Performance of Homes (BRL9500-W) and Utilities (BRL9500-U)

Our advice

Management and Maintenance of Energy Labels
Do you manage homes or buildings and do you want your property to always be up to date with regard to its energy label? Then ‘management and maintenance’ of the energy labels is the right choice for you. Your buildings with an energy label can be included in a database, Vabi Assets Energy. We can manage this database for you and update it if there are changes or improvements or measures have to be taken. In this way you have a complete and up-to-date overview of your property and you can see whether all the homes or buildings have a valid energy label and when they will expire. This will also provide you with input for implementing a sustainability policy.
Improvement Scenarios
On the basis of the data available from the energy labels we can offer you support at policy level. Using energy plans, we can calculate what the consequences would be of applying (sets of) measures for your housing stock. A detailed calculation at complex level can be carried out if you want an in-depth examination.
To accelerate increasing the sustainability of property in the Netherlands, the government regularly makes subsidies available. You should therefore always check whether there is some kind of subsidy available so that the right improvement measures can be taken. You can look this up yourself on the website of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) or contact us so that we can point you in the right direction.
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