At SOCOTEC Netherlands, integrity and transparency are core to our operations. Our whistleblowing policy enables employees, partners, and third parties to safely and confidentially report unethical behavior, misconduct, or potential legal violations.
SOCOTEC Netherlands has established a robust whistleblowing policy to provide a safe environment for reporting irregularities without fear of retaliation. Our system ensures that all reports are treated confidentially and thoroughly investigated. We foster a culture of openness and accountability, where each report contributes to the integrity and trustworthiness of our organization. Our policy is designed to meet the highest ethical standards and to protect whistleblowers. Learn how SOCOTEC is committed to transparency and ethics through our whistleblowing policy.

How to submit your disclosure ?

The guide below is meant to help you at every stage of the whistleblowing procedure, from submitting your disclosure to processing and the follow-up.
Read the guide below before starting your whistleblowing procedure.
The guide below is meant to help you at every stage of the whistleblowing procedure, from submitting your disclosure to processing and the follow-up.
Read the guide below before starting your whistleblowing procedure.
Whistleblowing platform of the SOCOTEC Group
To start your whistleblowing procedure