Development of real estate, energy savings, sustainability, safety and changing legislation and regulations, maintenance, valuations, but also drought damage and damage of wooden pile foundations in certain parts of the Netherlands are topical issues for which property developers, the owners of buildings and/or their managers can rely on SOCOTEC.
SOCOTEC offers a wide range of services in the first phase of development, the design phase, the construction and operational phase of the property when it concerns apartment complexes, commercial property such as offices, commercial buildings, hospitals, care institutions, swimming pools, logistics centres, utility buildings and the accompanying installations and infrastructure.
With our services, we contribute to the safety, sustainability and performance of your property.
SOCOTEC’s services
Socotec is already active during the (pre)development phase of your property, when we carry out a property development scan (VOS scan). A VOS scan clearly reveals the main aspects / risks / limitations of a certain location.
In the design phase, we offer complete support for all the underground aspects (foundation design, construction pit, dewatering, impact on the surroundings, environmental aspects, including the necessary investigations on site).

Talk to our experts
For the safe and sustainable operation of buildings, installations and the accompanying infrastructure, periodical inspection is the rule rather than the exception. The regulations in NEN 1010, NEN 2767, the SCIOS Scopes and/or warranties of insurance companies all require the owners, managers and/or users to periodically have the building inspected and certified by an independent body.
Depending on the client’s case, SOCOTEC’s engineers offer advice on the inspections required. The inspections offer insight into the current safety and sustainability of the building and installations. A multi-year maintenance plan (MJOP) is drawn up to present the maintenance, improvements over time and the investments required for this to improve the structures’ performance, sustainability and value.
We have a team of expert appraisers to determine the values of buildings, inventory, production installations and business interruption to be insured.
In the unfortunate event that damage to buildings, household effects, inventory, production installations or business interruption occurs, we have a large team of technical and financial experts with knowledge of damage and the sector.
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