Project information
Project Name: Energy advice and drafting of MJOP VvE Gijzelaarslaan
Date: 05-02-2024
Client: PandGarant
Location: Gijzelaarslaan Groningen
Size : 18 appartments
Project Summary
For the VvE complex on Gijzelaarslaan in Groningen, we have recently delivered a Sustainable Multi-Year Maintenance Plan (DMJOP). The VvE (Owners Association) wanted insight into the condition and maintenance costs of the complex, as well as the measures to be taken for sustainability.
By developing a DMJOP, it is possible to monitor the quality of the complex and oversee maintenance activities to ensure they meet standards. Additionally, the VvE can evaluate whether the implemented measures have resulted in the desired condition over time.
Pandgarant approached SOCOTEC to carry out this assignment. For this project, we pooled expertise from various subsidiaries within SOCOTEC. This collaboration resulted in a solid final product that the VvE can utilize in the coming years.
Project description
To develop a DMJOP, a condition assessment was conducted according to NEN 2767 for the multi-year maintenance plan. This assessment forms the basis for an MJOP, evaluating the physical quality of the building and installation components of the complex. To provide a solid energy performance advice (EPA), we conducted interviews with residents of the VvE complex, gaining insight into their wishes and complaints regarding the current situation. Additionally, the complex was expertly inspected, we studied construction drawings, and input all necessary data into certified software. The current energy performance was also analyzed.

Talk to our experts
Subsequently, an energy performance advice was prepared, including the following packages:

The Municipality of Groningen has a comprehensive strategy to make residential complexes more sustainable, providing various subsidies. During this process, two subsidies were applied for. The first subsidy supported the orientation process to develop a DMJOP. The second subsidy is intended for implementing energy-saving measures. Some measures can be carried out by the VvE, but certain measures must be undertaken by the residents themselves, such as replacing glazing.
The Municipality of Groningen strongly focuses on both financial support and informational guidance to help its residents make their homes more sustainable. Through this combined approach, the municipality aims to improve living comfort and contribute to a more sustainable future.
The client, Pandgarant, has responded to this and closely collaborated with SOCOTEC to develop the DMJOP. In the coming period, the VvE will make several choices based on the customized advice to finalize the DMJOP. After that, the VvE can proceed with implementing the proposed sustainability measures.