Project information
Project name: Construction of Epe - Zutphen water transmission line for Vitens
Date: 2017
Client: Vitens
Location: Epe - Zutphen

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Project description
The new water pipe is 37.5 kilometres long and normally speaking will lie at a depth of 1.20 to 1.30 metres. The water company will deviate from this in certain stretches, for example near to the motorway, where so-called deep drilling will be applied. The water pipe will also pass by 2 railways. The diameter of the pipe on the stretch from Epe to Apeldoorn is 400 millimetres; from Apeldoorn to Zutphen the pipe’s diameter is 500 millimetres. A great project that means that the population of Zutphen will no longer depend on the production location along the road to Vierakker.
Vitens, the water company that has one hundred production locations, has a total of 50,000 kilometres of water pipes in its area of operations (the provinces of Friesland, Flevoland, Utrecht, Overijssel and Gelderland).
Services performed by SOCOTEC
Together with Vitens, SOCOTEC determined the scope of the structural survey and deformation measurement. SOCOTEC carried out height measurements and pre construction surveys on over 100 structures (residential homes and farms). SOCOTEC was also commissioned to carry out the measurements on the railway infrastructure. The buildings to be surveyed are spread over a large area. SOCOTEC also carried out the surveys and measurements on structures for the construction of the Zetten-Fikkersdries-Nijmegen water transmission line.